Meet The Team
Zindzi Griffin Research Assistant
Zindzi Griffin is a junior computer science major, mathematics minor from Oakland, California. As a student at Spelman, she is an active member of the Ethel Waddell Githii Honors Program and the Sisters Keeping It Real Through Service (SKIRTS) organization. She contributed to the content and design of this website as well as the technical development of the aperture project. For the technical development of this project, she assisted with the technical creation of the database as well as the creation of the computer algorithm to auto-generate a short film based on user entered sentiment.
Dr. Ayoka Chenzira Conceived & Directed
Ayoka Chenzira, Ph.D., is a pioneer in Black American independent cinema and an award-winning filmmaker, television director, and educator. She earned degrees in film production (B.F.A. New York University), in education (M.A. Columbia University/Teachers' College), and is the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. in digital media from the Georgia Institute of Technology. As an educator, Dr. Chenzira is a member of the faculty at Spelman College, where she is a Diana King Endowed Professor of Film, Filmmaking, Television and Related Media, Chair of the President’s ARTS@Spelman Initiative, and the Division Chair for the Arts.
Dr. Jerry Volcy
Jerry Volcy is co-Director of the Spelman Innovation Lab and senior lecturer of Arts and Visual Culture. An engineer by training, Dr. Volcy arrived at Spelman in 2014 after a 20-year career as a firmware engineer. His time in the industry was punctuated by stints of time at large, medium, and small companies, before venturing on his own as an engineering consultant. Currently, he is spearheading the gaming program at Spelman which seeks to produce black women developers and entrepreneurs in the gaming and XR space. Dr. Volcy holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.